- Huh. Is the strangest thing ever. Was watching something on CBC earlier tonight, and there was an actress during the commercial breaks who was promoting her new project. I was wondering why she seemed familiar, until she said "I'm Tamara Hope..." and then I realized -- she was the girl I went to camp with about 7 years ago. "Tamara", sounds like "camera". Back then she'd said she was acting, and I haven't seen her since then. It's nice to know she's doing well and all, but still strange nevertheless... back when I knew her, she wasn't on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) yet, but now she
is. Speaking of which,
Chloe's on there too now, which is even weirder because...well, because I still actually know Chlo and 'cause I go to IMDb all the time... Anyway, the last time I thought to check, she wasn't on there yet... Cool. Now I can keep track of what acting she's done/doing and whatnot. I know cool people. ;)
- Also: if raisins are dried grapes, why do raisin packages always say "dried raisins" on them? I mean, aren't raisins already...dried? So if they were really
dried raisins, they wouldn't really be
raisins anymore,
would they? Am I right? Hmm? Hmmmm??
- Anyhoo. Hope I talk to some of you guys soon. It seems like ages since I've seen/talked to anyone. :P Just thought I would update anyway, even if almost no one reads this anymore. Call me crazy. :)